Monday 28 February 2011


Now we are moving to the thing that really matters in the carnatic music that is ragas. The ragas in the carnatic genre are numerous but there are some familiar and easy to learn ragas which i'll write down.

sa ri(ri2) gu(ga3) mi(ma2) pa dhi(dha2) nu(ni3) Sa

sa ra(ri1) gi(ga2) ma(ma1) pa dha(dha1) ni(ni2) Sa

sa ri(ri2) gi(ga2) ma(ma1) pa dhi(dha2) ni(ni2) Sa

Mayamala Gowla (or) Chandrakouns
sa ra(ri1) gu(ga3) ma(ma1) pa dha(dha1) nu(ni3) Sa

Subha Panthuvarali
sa ra(ri1) gi(ga2) mi(ma2) pa dha(dha1) nu(ni3) Sa

and these are called
sampoorna melakartha ragas which have all seven notes with them.
And there are also these janya ragas which are derivants of those melakartha

Siva Ranjani
sa ri(ri2) gi(ga2) pa dhi(dha2) Sa

sa ri(ri2) gu(ga3) pa dhi(dha2) Sa

sa ra(ri1) gu(ga3) pa dha(dha1) Sa

there are some other ragas also ,and above all these notes of ragas and things there are special things related to each raga as its rasa(mood it creates) and special notes in it and kirtis and compositions from them in the film industry we'll see them in the next posts.

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